Episode 2

Published on:

6th Aug 2024

Biohacking for Beginners & Methylation Tests; What the heck is that? (PLUS Our REAL results!)

As part of our first hardcore biohacking experience.. we did Methylation DNA Tests!! Listen in for our results & our Biohacking For Beginners tips that have made a difference for us!

In this episode, we share our results from the test, such as raised vitamin needs and predispositions to certain diseases. Also, our practical advice for improving health through increased movement, better sleep hygiene, and reducing processed foods.

Plus, the significance of meditation, journaling, and cold showers for mental clarity and stress reduction. Don't forget - our weekly challenge and Little Promise to join us on this week!

Tune in to join us on our journey, we would love to have you come along!


Anna & Alex x


Product references:

Stride Health - Methylation DNA Test and Personalised Supplements

Use code: 'BiohackGroupChat' to get 30% off all products at getstride.com

We did the StrideDNA Optimal Health (Methylation, Nutrigenetic, Fitness, Sleep & Stress, Skin Reports)

Sauna & Plunge: saunaandplunge.life


00:01 Gorilla Regurgitation..

01:08 Last Weeks Promise and Weather Woes

02:27 Methylation Test Insights

05:11 Nutrition and Personalised Recommendations

11:19 Sleep Patterns and Methylation Gene Test Insights

23:01 Biohacking for Beginners

24:40 The Importance of Sleep Hygiene

25:29 Reducing Processed Foods

26:59 Listening to Your Body

27:36 Healthy Eating Tips

30:53 The Power of Meditation

37:10 Cold Showers and Motivation

39:13 Weekly Challenge!

45:36 This Week's 'Little Promise'


Every time I listened to it, I kept thinking about Gorilla. Oh my god, I was not expecting you to say that. On that note, sorry listeners, and uh, welcome to the Biohack group chat.

art, this episode is for you.[:

Kicking off, how did you get on with our little promise last week? Well, it's been really nice weather. Last week. So that went well, and then this week has just been like raining a lot more and I've just had so much going on and just felt really crap that I didn't do actually any for like two days, but then yesterday I went out and just sat outside for 20 minutes and today I feel so much better.

That's good. So did you do your whole five days in one day or? Probably. Okay. Fantastic. How did you get on? We're setting a good example. To be fair, I was kind of the same, but there was literally two days that it rained non stop. Like, I was thinking, like, where is all this rain coming from? It's like the whole ocean just dumped at once.

very day. No, but. Yeah, I'd [:

If you did, let us know. We'd love to hear. I'm excited to talk about what we're talking about today. Yeah, I can't wait. It was a bit of a roller coaster. It's been an interesting week, definitely. Let's start with, yeah, methylation. test since that was last week's challenge. We teamed up with Get Stride to try out their methylation reports.

very Biochemical reaction in [:

It's occurring billions of times per second So basically everything that happens in our body is related to methylation. It's really, really important. And these tests that we did look at different stages of that methylation process, so different sort of methylation phases, and sees if there's anything that might not be functioning as well as it should be, or if it's kind of green lights the whole way and your body can eat something where you can take a vitamin and your body can easily turn that into its active form, or if maybe there's certain elements which your body might struggle with, you can eat as many apples as you want, but I can't do that, so.

irling it around a bit would [:

Extract like information about our DNA, but turns out it definitely can. I'm still in disbelief. So we did the optimal health, which is methylation, Neutrogenic, fitness, sleep and stress and skin reports, which with the current discounts that they have on get stride, that's 261 pounds. They also have the methylation only tests for 149 pounds or methylation and neutrogene for 186.

I mean, I would recommend that one because I feel like the nutrigene, there was so much information in that. Yeah, I would say they're probably two really valuable ones, but then everyone is different because obviously you got your. Night owl bias, which changed your life in the sleep report, so. Spoiler alert.

are the sort of top shocking [:

Like, what were your kind of key takeaways from your results? So for nutrition, I discovered that I have a raised need for vitamin A, vitamin B9, vitamin D, and vitamin E. I have an increased risk for iron deficiency and a raised need for antioxidants and omega 3. And also, which is really interesting, I had a raised disposition to celiac disease, which both our moms have, and I was curious what yours was.

Yeah, so, you know what, I thought this was really nice social proof in some way, because mine was also raised, like a raised predisposition, and when I saw that I thought, this is definitely accurate. Have you done a test or anything? No, have you? I did one when my mum first got diagnosed, which was like pretty much the same time as yours.

negative that I didn't have [:

Yeah, exactly. So we wouldn't, we wouldn't see it. Well, anyway, all of those. Nutrition raised needs that I had, although a little bit overwhelming at first, they actually have recommendations at the bottom of each one. So they're all kind of like separate modules or blocks that you look at for each vitamin and at the bottom it has recommendations for each of those.

Overall, there was like so many good dietary. takeaways for me and also things that are like super easy and I'm really excited to do because I really like all of these foods. So like eating more eggs, which is great. I can do that. I love doing that. I kind of like stopped eating them. I don't know why.

ve cooked them like the last [:

You know, have you ever heard of the egg ic? No. Basically, if you just, it's a phenomena where, just randomly out of nowhere, if you're eating quite a lot of eggs, you can get the egg ic. And I got that from scrambled egg. Okay, so but now I'm doing like poached and fried so I'm all good So if you get the egg ick, then you just switch it up and try a different form of eggs.

Do you reckon? Yeah, probably you could try that or if it's a really serious case You might just have to have a couple of months off. Do you know what? I don't eat eggs So I think I've got an extreme case of the egg ick I only have an egg like very rarely if it's in like a Nice breakfast or something with a bit of avocado.

rmed my switch back to dairy [:

I had a weak moment because I didn't drink dairy milk. for like five years, just drank oat milk the whole time. The switch back a few months ago, after listening to a podcast. I was at a weak moment, but now it's reaffirmed my switch. So I'm going to stick with the dairy. It's a very controversial choice there, Alex.

It is, it is. Mangoes and oranges, over, I eat a lot of like berries. I think it's gonna be super easy to eat more mangos and oranges, like I'm excited about doing that. Sweet potatoes, jacket potatoes with the skin on, because the skin has all of the antioxidants in it. Seeds, cauliflower and broccoli, and the biggest one is like oily and fatty fish, three times a week, and more like shellfish.

st don't like the quality of [:

I was definitely put off fish for life after I watched that and I think there was a couple of other documentaries I watched as well and I was just like, I can't eat fish now. No. I do, obviously. Yeah, but I don't, like, I eat chicken like four times a week. I'm not eating like fish every day. Just stop all food documentaries at this point, please, or else we're not going to be able to eat anything.

ss to fresh fish and lots of [:

Like, don't get me wrong, obviously we love it, but it's killing us all. It is, it is. So, anyway, I had my, like, morning of wallowing in self pity. What are you going to do about the fish? Well, yeah, I pulled myself out of it and started kind of researching. I was asking ChatGPT, like, what fish can you source in the UK that's good quality?

And it said like salmon, herring, and another one. So there is some options, and it suggested some, your local fishmonger, or, because I don't have one within like walking distance, there's also like places that you can order online. And it said tinned fish is usually really high quality as well, so like tinned salmon.

There's things you can do, you just have to get a bit creative and like, have a really positive approach to how you can do the things that aren't as easy as some of the other recommendations. Definitely, that sounds like it was really, really helpful for you and like, you've got some good action points to take away.

It was super helpful as [:

Sounds like it was really insightful and well done for getting through that, the fish crisis. The fish crisis. That sounds stressful. I had quite a few things as well, like vitamin things which were a little bit off but one of the most interesting ones for me was actually on the sleep section. Because I think you said earlier how I'm a bit of a night owl, like I'm a massive night owl.

're all early risers and all [:

And I've always thought, why am I so different? Like, am I just really lazy? Like, But turns out it's actually a genetic thing and there's actually gene markers that point to whether you can be more of a morning person or have like a night owl bias. Turns out I do have a night owl bias and what this means is my hormone levels will kind of, they won't drop as early as they will for someone else.

So for someone their kind of like melatonin levels might rise and their cortisol might sort of drop which tells them it's ready for sleep time now. And that might happen around like 9 p. m. Let's say for example, for me it happens later so I have a slightly different circadian rhythm when it comes to actually regulating, like, when I should be awake and when I should be asleep.

So similarly, in the morning, I don't have that cortisol spike to wake me up as much. So that's why I'm, like, forced to wake up from my alarm, for example, which is not a fun way to wake up in the morning, but my body doesn't kind of naturally tell me, hey, it's time to get up now. So what's the main takeaway for that?

ra things to, like, regulate [:

So I guess what I'll have to do is just manage that through my environment, make sure that I wind down, do things to not kind of overstimulate myself in the evening, but also just like accept it and allow myself to you. be awake when I'm awake. And if I'm really productive later on in, you know, the evening and someone else isn't, then that's fine.

bias, whether we're a night [:

So those were kind of around like our vitamins and sort of the information we got around like nutrition and diet, which was really, really helpful. I just wanted to talk a little bit quickly about one of the kind of key methylation phases and one of the results I got for that. Obviously, we don't want to bore everyone, so go and do the test if you want to look at your own results, but just to bore you a little bit with mine and give you a bit of an example of the sort of thing you might get back.

So one of these methylation phases is the folate cycle. And I think a lot of people are kind of familiar with sort of dietary folic acid and folate. You might, you know, might get it like fortified cereals with things like folic acid in them. I was kind of under the impression that that would be like if you ate something that had a supplement in folate or one of these like rices or cereals, for example, then that's going to be really improving that for you, but actually for someone like me who folate cycle.

multivitamin. Um, it's hard [:

Like, it can be affecting things like DNA synthesis, energy production, you might feel a bit more tired if you're deficient in this, inflammation control, and also things like pregnancy health, like it's very, very important if you're pregnant. And lots of people who are pregnant are recommended to make sure that their folate levels are high, well, are normal.

It's really, really important, but if you are someone like me, who doesn't have a very efficient process in that, it doesn't matter how much, um, folate I might be supplementing. If my body can't convert it into its active form, it's still going to struggle. So one of my recommendations is that I take methylfolate, which is to say the active form, so I can kind of take that and my body can go, Oh, thank you so much.

t was a really good takeaway [:

That'll really help me to kind of make sure that phase and that cycle is working as it should. And yeah, that I can feel great. I feel like I struggle with energy a little bit, even though I do eat a lot of leafy greens, which I think is supposed to help you contribute to that. But also it's like, you don't actually know quality of the greens you're getting, like if they also have really high levels.

in them so it would be quite interesting like I would quite like to try the methylated version of it and see if that actually helps me with energy because that's something I'm struggling with. 100 percent and like if you are a bit more, you'd struggle to process that, then it might be like you might eat kale for breakfast every day, and you might be eating a lot of that, but your body might still be struggling to turn that into its methylated form.

doctors, you get like a full [:

So, it might be that actually you are getting a benefit from taking those vitamins and they might be helping you, but if there are certain things which your body is kind of struggling to do as part of this methylation cycle, then You can have all of the multivitamins in the world, but it might not get you back to those normal levels.

Whereas if you give the methylated form, that really just helps restore that kind of normal value, and they can be utilised readily by the body. So I think it's fascinating, and it's completely changed the way I look at supplementation, because Stride as well, they do like personalised supplements, so you can actually get a tailor made supplement package based on your kind of diet.

at I love about this test is [:

Like, I'm a sucker for that. Like, I'll walk into like Boots or whichever store, like at some fancy East London store, like wellness store, or like natural products, and I'll just spend an hour and a half walking through the supplementation aisle. Do I need this? And it's like the same thing every time. It's like, I don't know if I need it.

It just depends if the marketing and the branding is good enough to make me think that I need it. But, like, all of them say, like, are you tired? Or are you, like, do you need an energy boost? Or do you need better skin? And do you need better nails? All of those things everyone needs. All of those things.

in. Like, who isn't? But now [:

So it might be, if that's something you struggle with, it might be worth looking into a methylation test and trying to pinpoint if there's something which you might have a slightly raised need for and you might need to supplement in that specific. A great thing that I always come back to with methylation is like, I think I was watching like a farming show or something and they were talking about how with the soil.

You can grow like a certain crop and then it might be fine, but you might notice sometimes that like oh actually this crop is going a bit yellow or it's not growing as well as it should. Then there's two approaches. You can either spray it with a generic nutrient mix, just spray the whole field with essentially like a multivitamin package and see if it helps.

testing on like the specific [:

And I feel like it's kind of the same thing, but for humans. That's a really good analogy, yeah, that's a really good analogy. I think it was Clarkson's Farm that was it. I can't believe I'm getting useful information from Clarkson's Farm, but A farming documentary, oh no it was Clarkson's Farm. Not reality TV.

Love it. Hey, it's all about Caleb. Caleb's the man. He's great. I have one which is another impaired efficiency in my installation, which is the BH4 cycle. They have, like, an increased ability to handle oxidative stress, which is, like, environmental pollutions. So, that came up saying the advice for me was to focus on eliminating heavy metals from your system.

ased ability, or a decreased [:

Also, I do have an air filter and a water filter and I, I use the water filter like all the time, but the air filter, I'm just going to have that on like constantly while I'm working from home. And I think that's going to help. And I also recently. Luckily was already thinking about this and switched over to some natural cleaning products So I brought from this company called kit and kin because they were the cheapest brand that I found And it's basically just like two products like one multi surface one bathroom I'm glad I did that, basically.

They're really, like, design [:

And also like plastic Tupperware. I'm not gonna go out and buy like all glass Tupperware instead. It's so expensive. Yeah, but just be mindful and do what I can. Yeah, definitely. And on the candles as well. Yeah, I was thinking about that as well, because I love candles. But yeah, if they're paraffin wax, it's just so terrible for you.

And like the way they burn and it's also quite like an artificial smell. So I always try and find them that are like the soy wax ones or something like that, which is, you know, Made with essential oils, so you know that it's a bit more natural, but I mean, I'm sure it's still not great for us, like, burning candles all the time, but I think it's better.

that should be fine, or much [:

Just, can you talk about something I can actually relate to? Is there anything like kind of general advice that stands out for you, like based on, you The journey that we've had so far and the things that, like, we've been learning about and trying. What's, is there one thing that kind of stands out for you?

Yes. If you want to do something to improve your health and you don't know where to start, there's three things that you can do that are, like, small things, easy to do, and free, like, you don't need to do anything, but these are things you can start doing today. So, the first one is movement. If you're only doing 800 or 1, 000 steps a day, try and get that up to like 5k, 10k, just increase your step count, do what you can.

If that [:

track your steps. And if you, even if you just have your phone in your pocket whilst you're moving around for the day, if you take a look at the end of the day in your kind of health tracking section, you take a look now and just make sure it's turned on. That should give you a good idea of how many steps you've taken.

So it's like quite a free thing to do as well. Yeah. If it's in your pocket, it should be counting pretty accurately. Yeah. The second thing is sleep. That's like massively What's the word? Undervalued? Yeah. Undervalued thing. That is like the best biohack you can do when you're asleep. Your body is healing itself and there's so many other benefits as well.

our bedtime routine and that [:

Yeah, definitely. I always try and keep good sleep amounts. It's called, like, sleep hygiene, isn't it? I find it hard to have, like, this exact same time that I go to sleep every night and wake up every morning, and I know that that's a really important thing, so I'm going to try and improve that. But, yeah, just, like, getting those eight hours is so important.

I'm like a zombie if I don't get eight hours. Yeah, need that beauty sleep. So reducing processed food is the third thing. So don't eat anything that your great grandmother wouldn't recognize. That's something that I saw on Instagram, which I think is really relevant. It's just like, if it's not real food, if there's an ingredients list that's very, very long and you have no idea what's on it, like just try and cut down on those things and cook meals from scratch as much as you can.

sleep and reducing processed [:

I love that great grandmother thing as well. I mean, mine's not going to recognize much because she's unfortunately no longer with us, but, um, if anyone's great grandma's still kicking, then Yeah, I don't think they still have to be here, but it had to be great grandma because if it was grandma, then that was like the 70s when like processed foods was like at its all time high.

's really cool. I love that. [:

It's just, like, listen to your body and don't put pressure on it and just be kind to yourself and be patient. And that's how you'll actually develop sustainable habits. Like, if you're starting tomorrow, you might not be able to get your step count up every single day. Even if you only do it once. That's fine, take that win, just get up the next week and just try again and keep going, and it's that commitment that will help you get to a point, even if it takes two years, where you're doing 10k steps every single day.

then you don't have to cook [:

Like no one wants to be chopping onions and chopping garlic and like doing the stuff that you have to do to make meals from scratch taste nice. every single day. Like, that's a nightmare. So make big portions. You don't have to, like, meal prep and do, like, protein gains meals in, like, little plastic containers.

Yeah, but you can just, like, make a bigger portion and then you just eat it again the next day. So much easier. And I love my Nutribullet as well. I use that, like, honestly, twice a day. Some days, yeah, just putting, like, green juice with celery, cucumber, spinach, lemon, water. Or like in the evening, if I'm craving something sweet, I'll do like a cacao.

g, putting it into like some [:

And then also, like the logistics of like putting it in a fridge, like going into an office, wherever it might be, like, it's too much for me. So I do often go out and get convenience food at lunch, if I'm out and about. But that doesn't have to be unhealthy, and I've been really trying to like find places that do have like good options.

I think a lot of it is routine like for me I would often grab a sandwich or something like that at lunch just because it was the thing that I used to get or the thing that I'm used to getting and then when I consciously made the choice to go hold on let me look at the salad section instead let me see if there's another combination I can make out of these things it's actually really interesting and kind of like fun prep for example they have great salad selections that actually taste super nice you I love, that goes back to like, our core values of this podcast is like, craft something that works for you, like you need to work with your routine and your reality.

e conscious and try and make [:

And yeah, it costs the same as what it would to go and like buy something. A lot of people go and buy like a sandwich or whatever. Yeah. And usually offices have little salts. pepper, no? Do they have little like Has it been that long since you've been in an office? My old office used to have like, some like, little, a little box where you had like, some olive oil.

There's no toilets, there's nothing. There's no toilets? There's no toilets, no kitchen. What? I'm joking. Oh, I thought you were being serious. Just a shed, some laptops. I think they have salt and pepper, I don't actually know. But yeah, so it's not, it's not hard. For me, I've got like, really different kind of top tips to you.

tion, that sort of thing. It [:

Honestly, just putting aside 15 minutes or even 10 minutes in the day and that could be first thing when you wake up in the morning, could be on your lunch break, it could be before sleep, whenever works for you, just give yourself that 10 minutes to just relax. Just meditate, just be present in that moment in who you are, like connect with your body.

It can really help you to lower your stress. It can help you to enhance your general well being. It can be great for focus, like it might seem really crazy to just think, I'm going to stop what I'm doing. And I'm just going to do nothing for 10 minutes, like how is that going to help my workday? How is that going to make me more productive and get more work done?

Just trust me, it [:

You just. Be laser focused and manage any stress or anxiety that you might have. And if that happens, it's definitely a good thing. So I super, super recommend it. And you can do it wherever. You don't have to be anywhere. You don't need anything. You don't need any training. You can just do it. Even just now after this podcast, put aside that time for you.

h moment when it's like that [:

It's addictive. Yeah, you just always, you, then you know how, how impactful it can be and you just always come back to it in those moments when you need it and that's really powerful. I feel like it makes you more aware as well of when you're not In that kind of present state, when you start meditating, then you suddenly notice like, Oh, I'm not really living in the present at the moment.

And then it draws you back and makes you think okay, I need to find that again because I'm, I'm living my life at the moment in a state of thinking about the future or stressing about things in the future or dwelling on things of the past but all we have is this present moment and if you can really learn to like harness the power of being in that moment you can help your future and therefore help your past as well because you're going to make better decisions and you're going to make Actions which are more aligned with really clear, clear focus thoughts.

id just resonated with me so [:

Before I started meditating, I lived my whole life. like that. Like that was my mind constantly. And then it's like, I started to have an understanding of this awareness. And now whenever I'm in that state, I'm like, Whoa, hang on, you need to chill. Life changing. It's so, so life changing. And I love that you just said, like making a tea or pouring a drink or something because In those moments, if you recognize I'm having loads of thoughts in my head or I'm really overwhelmed stressing about something in the future, which, let's be honest, you probably can't control.

look at it and see like, oh, [:

Like, look at the colors of the water. I know that might sound really strange because water's transparent. Everyone's thinking I'm completely mad right now. But look at the colors and be like, you know, look at all the different shades of transparent. in that water. It's really incredible when you, when you find those moments and people have them, there'll be something that you, a moment like that you can relate to.

You might have had a nice stroll on a beach on a holiday at some point and you just felt so overwhelmingly present and calm and content. That's a form of meditation because if you're in a moment and you're not thinking about anything except the sensations around you and just having such a clear mind, you're meditating.

But sometimes it takes a lot to get there. It takes you going on a holiday and switching off from work or whatever it might be for a week until you can find that. But if you can find ways to find it just for ten minutes in every day, it just helps everything. Also, another thing. Journaling. Absolute superpower.

's talking about journaling. [:

What is that? Yeah, I used to just be so against it and You know what? Once you start, you will be hooked. Just something small, it could be three things that you're grateful of, three things that you want to achieve in your day. Just writing it down, it's really, it really is just an absolute superpower. And I think, you know, just it ties in so nicely with meditation and breath work.

And honestly, I could talk for hours on journaling and gratitude journaling. So maybe save that for a later video. Another time, but let's do another episode on that. So if all of these things we're talking about, if these are new for you, and you struggle to incorporate new things into your routine, like you don't have the motivation to try new things, you don't have any energy, you're so busy all the time, a couple of things that might help you have the motivational energy.

ck walk each morning that if [:

So, I knew you were going to say that. The way that you can do this that actually makes it really, really enjoyable is just by doing it gradually. So you have your hot shower, do all the stuff you need to do, and then at the end, because my, my shower knob is like a twisty one, so I'm just like twisting it like maybe three centimeters at a time, like very, very small twists, and I'm like, so I'll twist it two or three centimeters, and I'll do that for like, 30 or 45 seconds, and then when I feel ready, you know what?

yoga, you need to find your [:

And if you do that, it actually is so enjoyable and so refreshing and then you get the dopamine boost and the whole thing only needs to be like three or five minutes and I actually like find it addictive. It's like, it just makes you feel so good. So that might help with motivation if that's something you're struggling with.

I don't like the cold. Yeah, I'm a massive wuss. I love the heat and, you know, put me in a sauna all day. Happy days, but the cold I really struggle with I I know the benefits of it And I know how addictive it can be because I did go through a period where I was getting really into it and I would Wake up in the morning, and I would genuinely feel excited for a cold shower But I've lost that now.

thinking, not another three. [:

That brings us on to our challenge for this week. No, no. So, like we mentioned last week, we're committed to taking actionable challenges and we want to help you learn from our journeys. So we want to try new things and we're going to be doing it every week to help you figure out whether you want to invest in them.

So our challenge for this week is we're going to go and try out this place in Old Street. called sauna and plunge. Yeah. Oh, I do really want to try that. Yes. Okay. I'm excited now. I really want to try that, but I'm scared, but it's going to be good. It's going to be good. It's going to be really good. It's basically for anyone who hasn't heard of it.

ience. And it has saunas and [:

They also have breathwork and yoga classes. It's expensive So we're not going to be going all the time It's like 30 pounds for 30 minutes, but they do have memberships and packages where you get a much better rate than that That's just the one off price, but they have different plunge pools. One is 10 degrees And then I think another one is like 8 degrees and another one is 6.

I've never done a plunge before, so I'm just going to try 10 and see how it goes. But I think 10 I'm going to quite like. I'm really looking forward to this. I live in East and I walk past it all the time and I think I really want to go there. So if anyone lives in London, definitely check it out. It's called Sauna and Plunge.

says on the tin. Literally. [:

You really do feel like Hulk when he's like ripping off his shirt. Yeah. And it is also proven, like we will, we should do another episode of this because I still see people going back and forth online about whether it's good for you or not, and everyone says like no, you just think it's good for you because your body's so [00:42:00] happy to be out of the cold that you feel happy, but it actually is proven, there is research that it can boost your immune system and help you, deal with stress better.

So if that's something that you're interested in, it's worth giving it a try. I've just scrolled down and realized we don't have a promise for this week, but I, I, I can think of one. Or have you got one? Please don't. What? I don't have one, but please don't say actually am. How did you know? I have a great promise.

That you're gonna hate. Can I do it? Okay, I think for this week the promise should be to batch cook one big salad.

want to change the promise? [:

I have to make five salads? No, it might last you like two or three max. Okay, so I've got to make two salads. No, but you just make one big portion, like cook up loads of like bulgur wheat or quinoa or couscous, chuck in like loads of sweet potato, loads of shit. It's like a big bowl, you know, like a big salad bowl or like a I don't have a big bowl, I can't do it.

, which obviously I do, then [:

I might just have to get myself a little Tupperware. Okay, so specifically, what, what am I doing? I'm making Yeah, just like make a big bowl of salad that's gonna last you like two or three meals. Okay. Yeah. All right. I can do it Okay, I'll send you a recipe, a suggestion. Honestly, I thought you were gonna say cold showers for five days And I was really really nervous about that No.

I'm kind of somewhat relieved. I'm kind of somewhat relieved, honestly, that you didn't say that. Yeah, because that would be a bit cold. Then we've got two cold things. Yeah, then it would just be like cold. Overwhelmingly cold. Yeah, yeah. That's a bit much for one week. I'm relieved, but I'm, do you know what?

you can torture me next week.[:

If anyone is listening, and, you know, wants to try this out, and also hates what we're doing, batch cooking salads and doesn't have big bowls like me. That sounds weird, doesn't it? If there's any other people that don't have big bowls, can you just let us know? Ping us on Instagram or something so I can gather.

other people that hate batch cooking and we can all rival against Alex, please, because I feel alone right now. Sounds good, sounds good. Well, thank you for listening. We hope you enjoyed this as much as we did. Thank you so much. And yeah, like I say, we'd really enjoy hearing anything that you have to share with us, any feedback suggestions.

us on Instagram or TikTok at [:

Amazing. Thank you so much and love to you all. And thank you for joining the group chat. We'll see you next week. Bye.

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About the Podcast

The Biohack Group Chat
Real Wellness For Real People. Biohacking For Beginners.
Welcome to The Biohack Group Chat. Real Wellness for Real People.

This is a wellness podcast with a difference, trust us you don’t want to miss this!

We are Alex & Anna, two friends passionate about improving our health. We felt that the wellness industry can sometimes be dominated by voices who live by, we what consider, inaccessible wellness routines.

Our mission is to help you navigate the information overload about health and wellness online, and provide you with a practical path forward.

We want to help you find your own version of wellness that is sustainable and balanced. We’re not athletes or doctors, but we’re building a community that we are a part of.

We believe that making small changes and creating small habits over time can have a BIG impact on our health and well-being. On our podcast, we’ll share the tips, tricks and biohacks that have helped us so far and we’ll also demystify some of the latest wellness trends along the way.

Join us on our wellness journey..
Insta & TikTok: @biohackgcpodcast

Let’s improve our health and wellbeing together!
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